9 signs that shows he is in love
Falling in love is great, and many of you are seeking for that one and unforgettable feeling. But sometimes when we end up in a relationship, it is hard to predict whether the partner you are with is in love with you or it is just mere passion and desire. That is why we decided to help you solve the matter out.
The thing is that it is pretty easy to determine whether or not he loves you. Pay attention to these nine signs, and you will be aware if it is going to last forever or if it is about to end up soon. Once you find out that he is a keeper – make sure you do your best never to let him go!
#1. He is pleasing
When a man is in love with you, he will do anything to please you and to make you happy. Even the smallest things details matter to him.
#2. Communication
He wants to talk to you all the time. No matter how far you are, he will always find a way of reaching out to you.

#3. Sex
Sex matters we all know that but once the man is in love sex is not the only thing he cares about. There is a vast number of other activities that he enjoys doing with you.
#4. Decisions
Very often we have to make some decisions, but when we are in a relationship, it is important to remember that there are two of you. When he is in love - he remembers.

#5. Secrets
When two people are in love, they are not afraid to share their deepest secrets. When he tells you about the things he never tells anyone before - he is a keeper.
#6. Flirting
A man in love sees no use in flirting with other women.
Read also: How a girl behaves when she is in love
#7. Future
Those people who are in love they are never afraid of talking about their future together. What is more, making plans together is the best way to prove that you are serious about each other.
#8. Showing off
When a man is in love, he likes to boast off with his other half. If that is your case – consider yourself the lucky one.
#9. You are special
If he makes you feel special all the time - he is madly in love with you!
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We at Afrihot want everyone to know and experience true love. It is out there for everyone and until it knocks on your door we are here to remind you that you deserve the best love!
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