7 things that can happen before you find Mr Right
Are you still searching for Mr Right? Starting to wonder what needs to happen first before he comes along? Well first up, remember that, in this situation, several wrongs will eventually make a right. Every relationship that doesn’t quite work out is that one step closer to one that will.
The trick is to learn from each one of those ‘practice’ relationships and here are a few of the things that you might need to change along the way:
1. Wondering how to meet new people…
You can meet Mr Right in the most unexpected of places. Start socializing more, and not just for the express intention of meeting a guy. If you get out more and expand your social circle, you never know who you might bump into.
2. Honing the look
We can’t all look like supermodels but we can dress in ways which will flatter our shape and make us feel good at the same time. There’s a fine line though between attractive and overly provocative. You want to attract a man who is looking for a serious relationship, not just a one night stand, right?!
3. Toning down the attitude
Confidence is attractive, arrogance is distinctly off putting. You might find that overconfidence is scaring off the best guys and only attracting the wrong type of attention.
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4. Lowering your sights a little
If you think Mr Right has to be Mr Perfect, then you might be waiting for quite a while. You don’t need to throw out your Mr Right checklist, but changing your scoring requirements from ten out of ten to perhaps eight or nine out of ten might help.
5. Calming down
You might have to learn to calm down a bit and take your time; he’s out there somewhere and you will find him, but men can spot desperation a mile off and they’ll take every advantage of it that they can. Be aware!
6. Start looking a bit closer to home
Have you considered that Mr Right might already be in your life? You don’t have to find a man on a dating site or at a singles bar, even though these things also work at times; it could also be someone that you already know but you just haven’t thought about them in that way before. Consider. Think. Brainstorm. Listen to your heart…
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7. Retain your self-respect
Mr Right will probably have no hesitation popping into bed with you on the first night, if you give him that chance, but Mr Rights tend, in the long run, to be put off form forming long term relationships with you if you do so. Make him wait, you’re worth it!
Even if you have some bumps on the road of finding your true love, continue to believe in happy fairy tales. True love does exist and if you have enough patience and won’t lose your faith because of multiple disappointments, Mr Right will enter your world. Be patient, be happy, smile often and love yourself.
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