10 Stages Of Falling In Love You Need To Know About
Love is a wonderful topic, and one we like to talk about often. In this article, Beauty and Tips takes a look at the ten stages of falling in love you need to know about.
How amazing is love? When you feel your heart beat a little faster each time you think of him, you know you’re in love. When you get a tingle running down your spine when he smiles at you, you know you’re in love.
There are many signs, and being in love is the best feeling ever. There is nothing else quite like it.
But what do the stages of love look like?
Love isn’t something that just happen. You don’t wake up one morning with a melted heart after going to bed with a heart of stone. It happens in stages. It’s a process – an amazing process that the two of you go through together.
If you’re feeling all fuzzy and loved-up at the moment, let’s take a look at the 10 stages of falling in love you need to know about.
Physical Attraction
Before anything else, there has to be physical attraction. If you don’t fancy the other person, love can never blossom. The way they flash their smile at you, the way their eyes twinkle at night, and the way they carry themselves as they walk must all make you gooey at the knees. Being physically attracted to someone doesn’t make anyone superficial. It’s the first stage of love. We must like the way someone looks before we pursue them, getting to know them and truly falling for them.
Moreover, the way someone looks is the first thing we notice. They might not have even opened their mouths, and already we’re hooked.
A lot of people make the mistake of rushing into the first date, before wondering why the date didn’t work out. It didn’t work out because there was probably no spark. And there was no spark because you weren’t yet friends who were on the level.
One of stages of falling in love is friendship. This is the part where you break the ice, get to know each other, and start properly bantering. The teasing begins, the fun starts – and so do the more serious questions. You get to understand how one another works, what makes you both tick, and what your goals are.
It’s only after you’ve been friends for a while and feel comfortable with each other that you can truly take things forward.
Read also: How to know when a man is in love
The Connect
Ever been on a date with someone and not felt any connection? It happens. You can hang out as friends just fine, but there’s no romantic synergy. You just can’t see you getting to know this person intimately. You can’t see you holding them at night, sleeping with them, and living with them.
There are many ways we connect with our lover. We connect with shared values, beliefs, ideas and mindsets. We also connect spiritually, philosophically, and in terms of our sense of humour.
Finding a connection with your potential partner is the third stage of falling in love.
The First Date
After the two of you have realise there is a connection, the next step is to head out onto that nerve-wracking first date.
Sure, you’ll both be nervous as heck. You might even be feeling some pressure to impress the other person (youwill be feeling the pressure). But the first date is officially the first time you guys lock eyes and realise there is possibly more than just a spark – there is true love. Read this post: Things you should do on a first date
Spending Time With Them
Once the nervy first date is out of the way, it’s time to start spending some quality time with them. Perhaps you’ll take trips together, go on weekend outings together, and most likely get intimate.
This is one of those stages of falling in love, when you’ll certainly be seeing a lot of each other, as you get to know one another like the back of your hands. It’s during this time where you’ll likely have deeper conversations, uncovering each other’s thoughts on parenthood, marriage and careers.
Literally Doing Everything Together
There isn’t anything you don’tdo together at this point. You spend every spare moment you can with them, hanging out at their place, sleeping over, even heading to work from there. You can’t get enough of them, and they’ve become your number one priority. Your friends ask if you have any plans for the weekend, and the first thing you do is ask your partner “Do we?”
Everything revolves around them now. Not only do you not have any alone time, but you don’t really want any.
Spending Time With Their Family
You’ve possibly already met their family before now. But as the relationship progresses and you fall ever more in love, you find yourself hanging out with each others’ family more often. You eat dinner with them on Sundays, spend evenings playing games, and bond with their mom or dad.
Maybe you even get to know their extended family, and find yourself offering to help uncle’s and aunty’s who could do with your advice. And you love it all!
And before you know it, their mom and dad are coming on holiday with you!
You Become More Open
As you feel yourself falling in love with this person, you become more open. You say things that you’d normally keep to yourself, revealing your emotions, feelings and vulnerabilities. You trust this person and have no problem being honest with them. You want to tell them everything, keeping nothing hidden from them.
They reciprocate, too, trusting you with their soul. This is another one of important stages of falling in love.
You Feel It From Them
You know when you just feelthe love from another person? It’s an amazing feeling, and it confirms that you were right to pursue them. The two of you were made for each other. They’re your soul mate and they feel exactly the same as you do.
“I Love You”
This is one of the most beautiful stages of falling in love. Finally, one of you says those three magic words. It doesn’t matter where they’re said, or even if they’re said via text messages. All that matters is that they’re said, and that you’re both madly in love with one another.
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