10 things that a man secretly expects from a relationship
All people have their own expectations, so starting new relationship, you have certain expectations from your new partner. Problems can arise, if you do not share your expectations with your partner or they are too high. In such a situation, it is best to talk with your partner honestly and clearly express your position.
Men are usually more withdrawn than women, when it comes to their needs and expectations of relationship. This is because most men prefer to keep their thoughts and feelings inside, so as not to look weak. For women, this can be a problem, as they have to guess what exactly their partner expects from them, and this can be quite difficult.
This article will help you understand this topic a little better. If your man does not want to confess to you, it does not mean that you should remain ignorant. If you want to strengthen your relationship and to become closer to your man, you need to try to meet his expectations, even if you do not know them. Look at 10 things that a man secretly expects from a relationship:
#1. He wants you to be jealous of him, but not controlled. Any man likes to be jealous a little.
#2. He is waiting for your support. He can have the craziest plans, but still wants your support.
#3. He wants you to need him. Furthermore, he wants you to show this.
#4. He expects you to understand and support him, if he makes a mistake.
#5. He hopes that you will understand his desire to hide his feelings inside.
#6. He expects you to hug or kiss him to cheer him up, when he needs it.
#7. He wants you sometimes totake control of your relationship in your own hands.
#8. He expects that you to understand, if he can not answer every message you send.
#9. He wants you to pay sometimes for yourself. There is nothing bad in this.
#10. He expects you to understand his desire to be alone from time to time.
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