Imagine for a second that you are royalty and travel back in time, several centuries ago. The King invites you to the coronation of his queen consort, and you must pay her due honors and kiss her hand. But there is one detail: the woman is dead, and for a long time. What you have in front of you in the skeleton, a decomposed body that has been dressed for such a ceremonial occasion. Although it sounds terrible, this is what happened to Inés de Castro and King Pedro I of Portugal. Join us to learn the story.
The story of Inés de Castro, the mythical Corpse Queen
When we immerse ourselves in the story, we come across amazing characters, who challenge our understanding of reality. Napoleon , Alexander the Great, Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette ... we could spend entire days naming these characters who marked the course of history, or who at least secured a place in it throughout the centuries. Today we want to immerse ourselves in the life of a woman whose name is not very popular, but who starred in a very interesting life story. This is Inés de Castro, the Corpse Queen.
The life and death of Inés de Castro
Inés de Castro was a Galician noblewoman who lived in the 14th century. Although she was not a queen in the strict sense, she is known as "the corpse queen" due to her tragic love story and the subsequent posthumous recognition of her. She was one of the ladies-in-waiting of Constanza Manuel, who was the wife of Infante Pedro, son of King Alfonso IV of Portugal. Despite being married, Pedro fell passionately in love with Inés and they began a romantic relationship.
The relationship between Pedro and Agnes generated great controversy and discontent at the Portuguese court. After their relationship became public, the couple's lives descended into one of the most tragic and horrifying stories of war and politics of all time.
When Alfonso IV learned of his son's secret marriage to the woman he loved, and fearing possible political complications that could arise due to the enmity of the young woman's family with other important families, he invented charges against Inés. Then it was she who paid the affront of the marriage: Inés de Castro was tried, found guilty and beheaded .
As expected, Prince Peter I was furious when he heard the news of his wife's death . Then, guided by hatred for his father and all those involved in the murder, a civil war began that did not end until the death of the King in 1357. When this king died it was Peter I who became king. And with this power he did something almost unthinkable and terrifying, which would crown the reason why Inés de Castro passed down to posterity.
The "resurrection" of Inés de Castro
The story of Inés de Castro would reach its peak after her death. Upon reaching the throne, the now King Peter I decided to unearth the body of his beloved. Furthermore, the monarch tore out the hearts of Inés de Castro's executioners, and of all the people involved in her murder. Agnes's dead body was placed on a throne and crowned Queen consort (who does not share the king's political and military powers).
It is said that all the country's high-ranking officials and dignitaries had to pay homage to Inés, kissing her hand and treating her as if she were still alive. Inés de Castro was in all probability the only Queen who "reigned" dead.
It is true that researchers have not been able to corroborate with data this part of the story, the unearthing and crowning of the corpse; But it is just as true that it is a story well known among the inhabitants of Portugal , who passed it on from generation to generation.
Continuing with the story: later King Peter I held a sumptuous funeral in memory of his wife. In addition, he had a white marble tomb built with a figure of the crowned queen. Before his own death, Peter ordered his grave to be placed right in front of Agnes's, making their feet touch each other. He wanted his beloved Agnes to be the first thing he saw on the day of her resurrection.
Inspiration from stories and novels
The story of Inés de Castro and Pedro I did not go unnoticed. There are hundreds of stories and novels that were inspired by the tragedy and horror of this couple. For example, the writer Luis Vélez de Guevara used this story to write his drama "Reign after dying" (1652). The author Ángela Vallvey Arévalo also collects the legend of Inés de Castro in her book De ella Lovers powerful de la historia : recommended.
This is what our brief approach to what happened to Inés de Castro has reached. Many have filled this story with romanticism because it includes death and despair . But a romantic story is very different from a love story. Well, how can you relate this beautiful feeling to the death, pain and horror of unleashing a war for revenge and digging up your wife?
If the story of Inés de Castro has caught your attention, we invite you to visit our YouTube channel and watch the video we have prepared on this topic. Below you can see it.
And you, did you know the cruel story of Inés de Castro, and how her beloved Pedro I transformed her into queen, even after she died? Without a doubt, history far surpasses fiction, with cases as amazing as this one. We would love for you to encourage us to leave us your comments, contributions and opinions on this topic. Do you think it was true that Ines de Castro was indeed the Corpse Queen? Can you imagine the nobles who had to kiss her hand? Do you think this is a story of love or political whims? Leave us your comment. We will be happy to read you!

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